As middle school students, the future is sometimes very difficult to grasp. What is your Dream life? Middle school dreams? High School dreams? College Dreams? Work life dreams? Adult life Dreams? The point here is to never stop dreaming! You CAN make them happen!

Dreams… We all have them! No, not the sleeping dreams. The ones that you want to do, or things you want to achieve. As a middle schooler, I honestly have no clue what I want my adult life to be like. I do have an imagination, and I’m pretty good at using it. As an adult, I can see myself somewhere within three different careers; being the president, an artist, or a singer. Either way, I’m going to try to do the best I can in school and make sure my efforts pay off. My dream life is a life where I’m happy. I don’t want to be disappointed with where I have gotten myself. I don’t have a dream college. I’m not even sure if I’ll go to college! Some of my middle school dreams are to stay an A student and to not be peer pressured into doing dumb things. High school dreams... I have no clue about any dreams I have for high school.
ReplyDeleteDreams for work... I have a lot of them. I’ve always been interested in politics, lawmaking, and government, not to mention my love for debating things. As a “child”, my parents, siblings and I would sit at the table and draw/colour all day. My brother and younger sister eventually grew out of drawing, but my older sister and I still love drawing and colouring. Another “childhood” dream of mine is to be a singer and/or go on The Voice or America’s Got Talent. (Something like that) I’m beginning to try to fulfill that dream by singing until I lose my voice. I know that’s probably not a good idea, but if I do that, I get what I see as maximum singing time in a day.
In my adult life, (If I don’t become a singer or president) I hope to be living in Canada because of the weather there. I love that it rain and snows A LOT in the spring and winter. The stops signs are about a foot taller so when it snows, you can still see them! I also want to live in Canada so it’ll be a little bit easier to learn more French. (I know a little bit) I would probably have a small home in a little town. Crossing my fingers there’s internet connection.
Would I have any pets? OF COURSE I WOULD! I would end up being a crazy cat lady with about 4 or 5 cats. Yep… The breed of cats I would have would be 2 Persians, 1 Bombay, and 2 Snowshoes. Their names would be Loretta, Rambles, Sunlight, Fluff, and Melody. If I would have to pick a different pet to have other than a cat, I would probably take a rat. Kacie will probably be the only one to understand. When I say ‘rat’, I don’t mean a rat in the sewers. If you go on Google and search “rat”, I bet that 90% of the images are adorable! You can actually train rats to do amazing tricks.
CLACK CLACK CLICKETY CLACK goes the keyboard as I write… It’s been annoying me SO MUCH! I mean, this keyboard is so old and half of the keys take forever to work. Again, I’ve been writing this all day. Yayyyyyy! Every time I write the blogs early, I always find myself panicking, wondering if I did the blog. The 30th, (of March) I was beside the fridge getting something, (I don’t remember what it was) I freaked out, thinking I hadn’t done the blog. Well, I have over 600 words, so I think I’m good on quantity. The quality varies and I have no clue what you’ll think of this. Well, goodbye to all of the insane people reading! PEACE OUT! (653 words)
Ok just saying now this is going to be a long one. Where can i begin with my dream life. Okay let's start with job, i want to be either a painter/author or a vet/animal trainer. For the first option i would paint wonderful scenery pictures and sell them online for lots of money. I would write mystery novels and also sell them for lots of money. For the second option i would spend 9:00-2:30 being a vet and 3:00-4:30 being a pet trainer. I would train all kinds of pets dogs, cats, hamsters. Either way i would be happy.
ReplyDeleteNext! Dream house! I would have a four story house with four bedrooms and three and a half baths. When you first walk in you would have the family room on the right. In the family room would be a half bath. When you walk further there would be the office on the left of the hallway. Then to the right would be the stairs to go up the the second story. When you first walk up the stairs would be the living room and the kitchen. Then you walk up more stairs (i know there is a lot of stairs. Trust me there is more.) Than to the right there would be a bedroom also to the left too. In the middle there would be a bathroom and next to that, MORE STAIRS! Left and right a bedroom and in the middle a pet room. Both the bedrooms would have bathrooms.
Okay dream family! First would be me and my husband. We would have a bedroom on the top floor(the one to the right) and our room would be a light blue. Next would be my eldest son. His name would be Alexander, his room would the other one on the top floor. That room would be a dark gray on three walls and on one wall a nice minty color. The next youngest would be twin girls Raelynn and Ryan. Their room would be on the second to top floor (left). It would have half the room purple (Ryan) and the other half mint green (raelynn). Next we would have my two youngest boy & girl (one is 2 years younger). The older is named Quinn (girl) and the youngest is Hunter. Hunter shares a room with Alex and Quinn has her own room with pretty pink walls.
Dream ANIMALS! Ok i would be that one crazy lady walking three dogs. I would also have two cats. The three dogs would be Colt JR. (German Shepherd, Male), Cupid (Golden Retriever, Female), and Squishy (Corgi, male or female). My cats would be Luna (black cat (don't actually know what type they are) female) and Blanc (Persian Female). In the pet room the bed order would be (from the back to front) Cupid, Colt JR., Squishy, Luna, and Blanc. Cupid’s bed would be Pink. Colt JR.’s would be blue, Squishy’s would be brown. Luna’s would be black. Blanc’s would be white. There would be so many toys and cat towers in the room. The animals beds would match their collars.
Whew! I told you that was going to be a long one. I have so many dreams for when i'm older. T MONEY IS OUT! (553 words)
This might sound a bit odd, but I have thought so much about my dreams for when I am an adult and my family dreams, it is like I am mentally living them. But in all honesty, I love being a kid! Currently I am in middle school, and I am pleased with how everything is turning out. My one middle school dream is to be president of NJHS, just like my brother and sister were. When I move on to High School, I would like to be a part of the Honor Society there, be on the Varsity competition cheer team (GO PATRIOTS!), and get my driver’s licence along with a 2022 Range Rover. As I drive off to college in my brand new range rover, I would hope to attend Kentucky University and become a teacher.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely want to teach elementary school children, but not 4th grade, because I remember lots of drama in 4th grade. An ideal grade would be 2nd or 3rd. Aside from being a teacher, I would like to volunteer(or get paid) at a local animal shelter. I think teaching plus my love for animals would make a great work life! As for a family, I would marry a nice guy who loves kids and animals, like me. I would like to have 4 children, 2 boys, 2 girls. My oldest would be a boy, Grayson. Next I would have identical twin girls, Giavanna Mari and Guilianna Rose. Finally, my youngest would be a boy, Mason. In addition to my children, I want three dogs. Willow(australian shepherd, female), Everest(husky, female), and Apollo(german shepherd, male).
This family of 9 will hopefully live in a 3 story house in Savannah, GA. This house would have 5 bedrooms and 5 and a half bathrooms. Everyone would have their own room, except for me and my husband, we’d share of course and the twins would share. On the first story, there would be the living room, half bath, office, and eat in kitchen. Upstairs would have all the bedrooms and majority of the bathrooms. Finally, the basement would have a lounge, pet room, bathroom, and a big play space. Oh, and the laundry room. My son Grayson’s room would have a cool rustic sort of theme with hardwood floors, a cool denim carpet, and light gray walls. For the twins, they would also have lighter walls decked out with decorations. The theme is floral with rustic little antique touches. Finally, Mason’s room is a nautical themed nursery with lots of navy blue and red pieces.
I would be thrilled if this is how my life really turns out, but who really knows. That is what I love about dreams, you make them however you want and have the ability to make them happen. Sure, it is not very likely for all of this to happen to me like the kids genders and names, and I understand that. But never let the chance of your dreams not happening stop you. And certainly don’t let your dreams just be dreams.
ReplyDeleteAs for me I dream every day and quite frankly I like to dream. I think dreaming is an very important thing to do in life. I dream about my friends well being, my animals, animals I don’t have but want, New York, having a family of my own someday and lots more that I probably do dream about but don’t realize I’m dreaming about but I am. I don’t really have what I would call a “dream” life in my head but I do have some dreams that I will share with you. I don’t really know what college dreams are but I do have dreams that I will go to SUNY University in New York (State University of New York) for all my undergraduates and Cornell University for my graduates, also I want to pursue a career of working with animals since I work with them so well and love being around them. I would also like to adopt twins it does not matter what type of twin they are (although it would be cool to have identical twins)they could be identical, fraternal, conjoined and any other kind of twin that I did not list. I also have a list of animals I would love to own. Now most of these are not practical and I know that but a girl can DREAM can't she?! ;) (HA see what I did there!!)
Just saying if you don’t care about animals skip the next paragraph or so because i’m literally just going to list a bunch of animals that I hope to have in the future, Now on with the animals!! I want a stingray, sugar glider, fox, wallaby, capybara, an axolotl (ax-ul-ot-al), a fennec fox, ferret, a miniature pig, sand boa, great dane, saint bernard, vizsla, husky with 2 different color eyes, quite a few cows, sheep, horses, donkeys, alpacas, and goats I would like a hedgehog, gecko, macaw, chinchilla, a rat, a mouse, otters, various kinds of frogs, snowy owl, hamster, guinea pig, siamese cat, sphinx cat, bengal cat, turkish angora cat, and any animal that is albino. Just a count of all those animals there are thirty three different animals in that list and who knows I will probably want different or more animals as I grow older.
I would also like to breed my cows, horses, sheep, donkeys, goats and alpacas and dream of having a big plot of land with lots of acres so I can breed, sell, and milk my animals if possible. One day I dream to have a animal sanctuary that people can come look at the animals, I will tell them some information about the animals and why I have they in my sanctuary. I will rescue animals from being euthanized in shelters for no reason, I would take any kind of animal dog, cat, mutt, really any kind of animal that the shelter is going to euthanise because of dumb reasons like no more room left in the shelter like who does that???
I hope one day I will be able to teach people more about animals and help animals that can't help themselves. I dream to be their voice and to make a difference in what people think is happening in the world of animals. Thank you for reading my essay I had a lot of fun writing it and I hoped you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it.
Dreams… when I think of dreams I think of those weird images in your sleeping subconscious. They come together to form a dream. But, that is whole different type of dream. The dream I will be writing about is the goals kinda dream. Or something you would like to have or accomplish. I have had dreams my whole life. Some I have given up on within 10 minutes. Some I am still working at for about 3 years now. And some I come back to every once and awhile. One major dream of mine is to get into M.I.T (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) for Mechanical Engineering. That is why I wear my M.I.T. sweatshirt at least 3 times a week. To remind myself of my hopes and dreams of getting into M.I.T. It is a hard school to get into, but that is why I made a list of something I like to call sub-dreams. These dreams are like helping dreams on the hierarchy of dreams. The major sub-dream of the M.I.T hierarchy is getting into Middlesex Academy. It is the most advanced high school in Middlesex Academy. It will look impressive being at that school in my college application. Once again, I also have another hierarchy for Middlesex Academy, like getting straight A’s and having perfect attendance. (I already failed that :P) Ok, let us get out of the academic situation of my dreams. I never really thought of a dream house, more of a dream bedroom/ other miscellaneous rooms that are mine. For about a year now, I wanted a super cool expensive computer. Right now I am using a $450 Dell Inspirion 3650. It's perfectly fine, but could be a lot better. I do have a dream car though! I want a Red 2017 Lamborghini Aventador Convertible. I have serious doubts that I will EVER have enough money to EVER buy one of these. (there in between $480,000 and $570,000 and will probably go up in price) I am spinning around in my little red Ikea chair thinking of more dreams I have had but there aren’t any really good ones. I need dreams…
ReplyDeleteThe Point of No Return...
Recently, I got a Rubix Cube at Staples just to see if i can finally conquer the cube. I have never had the patience to sit down and look up how to do it. At most I could get one side down. But my Dad made a deal with me. He said if I could solve the cube within 1 hour, I get a new bearing for my fidget spinner. I need it BADLY. When I spin it, it sounds like a train roaring past. I ultimately sat down and surprised myself and my dad when I completed it in just under an hour. I had to look up a whole bunch of steps and stuff, but I still finished it! Now, i am a little obsessed and on average I solve it about 10 times a day, but it takes me about 5-10 minutes each time. Plus, I can’t do it without the little packet I made with all the useful steps. So I’m not good at the cube, I am just good at reading directions :P. It’s been around a week now and my dad has still not ordered the bearing. Just a little disappointed… (571 words)
No, no, no...a T-Rex is chasing me again! Suddenly I trip. Oh god. I run my eyes and wake up. I sighed. Thank god that was a dream. I have no idea what I would have done if that was an actual dinosaur chasing me up a mountain. We all have dreams though, but what are your dreams, for the future I mean. Not ones that you get every night when you fall asleep.
ReplyDeleteWarning: This is a dream world too. Ex: I can sing well.
Dream house- Well I would love to live in either a larger house, but not suuuppeeeerrr large in like sort of the area we live in now, like a suburb of New York City or an apartment in an urban town near New York, but I wouldn't want to live exactly in New York because that would be crazy and I still want to be able to be close enough to my family in case there is an emergency. Plus even if you have a really good paying job the city is still really expensive but living near it but not really in it isn't as bad and still you can get to the city easily.
Dream job- This dream includes one where I can sing a lot better then I can now, just as a heads up. I would probably want to be an actress, mainly in musicals, because I love how through song and dance you can get a story out of it. It is not just singing this one song about someone crying over a break up but each song being able to link together another piece of a story. If I have some of my friends listen to a song from a musical they would not have any idea what was happening because they don't know the story or the characters voices. This also kind of ties in with my dream house because I wouldn't want to travel an over a hour or so to get to work almost every day. Another job that would be really cool to have would be a chemist but that's really complicated and sort of hard to wrap your head around and understand. It would also be a really neat opportunity to be a makeup artist because of the different ways you can learn to do things like make it look like there was a scrape or do really vibrant lips or other things and it not just come right off or be very dull. Also knowing what colors complement each other, in terms of skin tone and experimenting with that would be fun. Like if it was for actresses or actors how to make it waterproof so when they sweat from everything it doesn't roll off there faces and become gross after one scene.
Dream family- I would get married and have a husband and want to maybe adopt one little girl if we both agree on that. If she is older and was named already, great one less thing to worry about. If not I would probably name her Ana, Angelica, Natalia, Hélène, or Karen. I think they are all such pretty names. I would probably have her room painted in a light turquoise color. I would also have to get a small puppy to live with us. Maybe a Yorkipoo because of how adorable and fluffy that they are. I mean have you ever seen one. It would probably be running around are place as a bundle of energy though.
Those are just 3 things that I dream about.
(598 words)
DeleteDoes anyone ever realize that dreams and relatives do not mix! I'm sure everyone gets their fair share of, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" And "What are your personal dreams/goals?" But, I can never really answer those questions, I never really think about it! I just dismiss it with a little, "I don't know." Well this time I feels like putting a little thought into it! It's funny, I was never really that type of kid who wanted to be a police man or astronaut. I went for a little more realism, I wanted to be a, drumroll please, chef! Yep. Embarrassing, I know. All around me all of my friends wanted to be fashion models or singers, firefighters or astronauts and I'm just sitting there Like, that's cool but I want to be a chef! But at the time it made perfect sense! I made my own "meals" basically mashing together anything I found and eating it! Then I though animation seemed pretty cool but that dream vanished pretty fast. Now I want to be in the criminal psychology field, they've always fascinated me. But, for now I just feel like putting that aside and maintaining fairly decent grades and not be a total jerk while doing it! Who knows what life has in store for me, so if that backfires I'd love to be a music producer. My love for music has just grown and grown, and I'm sure it'll keep growing!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, I was born in 2005 but I rarely listen to modern music, I'm more of an 80's guy. But, were getting off topic here. In high school I think I won't be joining any sports teams but the NJHS doesn't sound too bad, doesn't it? I don't really have a "dream college" but I do want to go to one with a good musical program. If I had to choose a dream house it'd be in a city like Seattle, Washington. I like colder, rainier climates. It would probably be a two story house with a rustic interior design and a speaker system all over the house so I'm able to listen to music while anywhere in the house with the click of a button. Me and my spouse would have a son, Adam. And a daughter, Katherine. Preferably twins, since they have a larger chance of having a closer bond.
A dream car of mine is a purple Jaguar XF, they look amazing! But will cost a pretty penny at a whopping $35,000-$40,000 that's like, 2.17 minimum wage salaries! Or half of the average U.S citizens salary! That's tons of money! And that's just the car, don't get me started on the paint job interior design, exterior as well! Funny how I'm saying all these facts to sound like a gear head while I know nothing about cars In reality! I guess that's really all I have to say on the matter.
Rant time!!!
You know what I find really dumb? The justice system! A person can go to prison for 5 year for accidentally backing into a mailman, but a person convicted of grand theft would only serve 3 months! Hey America, what's up with that? I find the system to be down right broken! You can get out months, even years earlier for "good behavior". There was a man who faked being mentally insane and was ruled unfit for trial. He was put in a psychiatric ward and escaped soon after! Seriously?